Oishii Kyushoku: Road to Ikameshi (2024)
Set in the 1980s, Oishii Kyushoku: Road to Ikameshi follows Amari Yutaka (played by Hayato Ichihara), a passionate middle school teacher with an obsession for school lunches. His love for these meals is so intense that it leads to an ongoing light-hearted rivalry with one of his students, Ken Tsubura, who also takes immense pride in how he enjoys his lunch. The film centers around their comical "battle" to see who can savor their school lunch in the most delicious way possible. As the story unfolds in the city of Hakodate, the focus shifts to a local dish called ikameshi (stuffed squid), which becomes a pivotal point in their culinary competition.
Released: May 24, 2024
Runtime: 111 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Hayato Ichihara, Yuno Ohara, Taiki Tazawa, Eishin, Naomasa Musaka
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